Does Public Speaking Scare You? Get some practice in before fall.
While working with Vector Marketing Canada my managers have always encouraged and inspired me to grow personally. Since working with Vector Marketing Canada I have taken on many personal challenges including health and fitness challenges. I ran my first half marathon, and plan to run my first full marathon this year. I have joined clubs that I would have never joined before. A couple groups I have become a part of are ToastMasters and public speaking. I have been working toward conquering my fear of public speaking and met an awesome group of people while doing it.
Here are Five Tips to Giving your First Class Presentation

- Be prepared. 90% of your speech/presentation success comes from proper preparation. When you are prepared you are less nervous, more confident, and more clear.
- Practice practice practice- practice to yourself, practice out loud, practice to your friends and family, AND practice to your mirror. Practice practice practice.
- Do something that your audience will remember. Use visuals, make your audience laugh, do anything that will make them think of you when they are reminded of your topic.
- Scared? Do it anyway. If you haven’t done speeches or presentations in front of your peers before put yourself out there and try it. Do something every day that scares you. Act in spite of fear, and your experience and skills will build.
- Have clear structure. The introduction and conclusion should be clear and exciting. Memorize your introduction and conclusion. Start and end on a great note.
Vector Marketing Canada is the perfect place to gain skills in the summer, or while going to school . Vector is the premier student opportunity because of the flexibility, the income opportunity, as well as financial, personal, and professional development. I have loved every minute of working with Vector Marketing Canada because I have grown my skills, and increased my capacity for success. Thank-you to everyone who has been apart of my journey! It’s not about the knives, it’s about the lives!