It's good to push yourself, but don't lose track of all you've accomplished along the way!

I haven't really had a chance to reflect this summer, until I went camping over the long weekend - with Shandra, a great friend I've met at Vector. I haven't hit a lot of the goals I set for myself this summer, and after months of feeling like I a failure, it took me 8 pages of writing in my journal and probably half an hour of reflecting on what I have achieved/have not achieved so far, to realize that I am not a failure at all. I set some high goals for myself this summer, and whenever I wasn't hitting them, the feeling of failure washed over me, however after reflecting I now see how much I have accomplished. We are people who overcome adversity EVERY DAY. I have had SO MANY people say "no" to me this summer, and it wasn't until I had some time to reflect that I realized, I don't take things personally anymore! I can handle objections confidently, and looking back so far on the summer, I have given this my EVERYTHING.


After I finished the SSC2 push last summer, even though I was just short of selling $10K, hitting $9100 for push, I did 40 demos. I gave it everything I had. I had no regrets, and I couldn't have been prouder of myself. That moment was what inspired me to open my branch this summer, because I wanted to give myself another opportunity to give my everything, but on a larger scale - I sure have done that!

I got attached to the numbers and how much money I was making along the way this summer, but I'm realizing now that it does not matter! It does not matter how much money I am making, and me not hitting my goals for May/July does not make me a failure. I took this next step in Vector to give it my everything, and I HAVE. I am sharing this now because, going into August, I now feel FREE to GO AFTER IT. I am taking August by storm, and Kelowna better be ready to see some CUTCO!!! Who I am right now is free, bold, and bodacious. I am going after my goal of selling $11.5K, and I am giving THIS my EVERYTHING!

Update- She did sell over $11,500 before going to Paris and ended the summer with some pretty impressive paycheques too!