Smile! It’s Free.

I ran out during my lunch today to take care of a few errands. The roads are clogged, stores packed and parking lots so full that you even have to stalk someone for a spot at Wawa. It’s that time of year when many of us are busy buying holiday gifts for loved ones and friends.
People are always talking about how much over their budget they went while shopping for the 35+ people on their list or the stress of trying to find the “perfect” present for that person who is just impossible to shop for (in my house – that’s my husband).
As I’m waiting (and waiting and waiting) at an intersection to turn into a shopping center, I saw a sign that said:
”Smile – it’s free!”
It really made me stop and think and about what is actually important. When was the last time you smiled at a stranger, just for the heck of it? Or for that matter, when was the last time you smiled at a loved one, just for the heck of it? I wonder what would happen if we all just smiled at each other a little more.
So, on that note – my holiday wish for you all is that you are given such an abundance of smiles that you are forced to re-gift them to someone else!