Take a Leap!

It’s Leap Day! What are you doing with your “extra” day today?
Ok, so obviously you can’t really get an extra day in your life but why not use the extra day in February to really impact the world and make a difference for yourself or someone else. There’s still time – don’t let today be just like yesterday or the day before it. After all – Feb. 29 only comes around once every four years. Let’s make it count.
Consider doing something for others, as Vector Calgary sales representative Devin Haag is doing. Between donations from his customers and his own monetary donations, Devin is working toward providing the necessary kitchen cutlery for the kitchen at Eagles Nest Ranch in Southern Alberta, Canada. The ranch is a year round camping facility for kids with challenging backgrounds and provides children with an opportunity to be in a loving, nurturing environment where they can just be a kid at camp.
Maybe today is the day you take the leap to commit to growing your CUTCO business. Maybe you’ll decide to attend Vector’s Rep Development Conference (RDC) or maybe you’ll just make it a point to attend your office’s next team meeting.
Perhaps as a new manager, you’ll begin exploring social media as a business tool (which we highly recommend!). Or just maybe – you’ll take that class you’ve been dreaming of or talk to that cutie that sits next to you in class.
As Jon Vroman, motivational speak and co-founder of The Front Row Foundation said at last year’s RDC, “There’s no more powerful time than right now for you, in this moment. Are you willing to go out and work to get what you want?”
There are certainly some fun and silly “traditions” that come along with Leap Day. How will you take a LEAP today…tomorrow…next week, etc.? Use this “extra” day to decide how to take your life to the next level.
“Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.” - Gloria Steinem