Vector Marketing– We DON’T just sell knives
Hey! My name is Olivier Verkempinck, but I’m known at my office as “Wolf”. I’m quite the business enthusiast and therefore love opportunity. When I first heard about Vector Marketing Canada I thought “Well then, knives-this is
way too random, but I’ll check it out!” I was glad to find out that Vector Marketing Canada is so much more than just selling knives; in fact, it's not really about the knives at all.
When I think of Vector, I think of opportunity, personal growth, gaining experience, success stories, goal attainment, teams and sportsmanship, contests, friendliness, a lot of fun and an endless array of laughs. Now let’s take a lesson from Vector and “break it down”.
Opportunity: Unlike jobs in fast-food where you punch in and punch out with often little to no opportunity to be promoted in sight; Vector Marketing almost always has the next promotion or next level around the corner! This, amongst many other things, adds so much more purpose to every call we make, every customer we see and every order form we sign!
Personal Growth: Vector forces you to put yourself in an uncomfortable position. That on its alone sounds pretty crappy; but in life, the only way to grow is to get out of your comfort zone! Most of us starting at Vector have never called customers to book work according to our own schedule. In reality, most of us starting have never even made a sale- other then maybe selling a muffin at Tim Horton’s, that the customer would have bought no matter who we were.
Experience Gaining: The skills and experience I will gain with CUTCO will put me ahead of my peers. This statement is obvious because we must quickly learn time management skills, interpersonal skills, more confidence (which in my opinion is a skill), selling skills and leadership skills in the long run!
Teams and Sportsmanship: I personally feel that this is by far the most important part of Vector Marketing Canada. As soon as we are welcomed into our designated office and you see that penny being cut, you know you want in – the great part about it is you are instantly accepted as a team member. You will be taken on, no matter your race, culture, creed, sex or your favorite sports team because Vector does not discriminate. And once we are on the team, even though we are all competing for that scholarship or those awesome prizes and contests, at the end of the day, we are all congratulated on each of our accomplishments and applauded on a weekly basis!
I’d simply like to finish off by emphasizing, Vector does not sell knives. Vector offers opportunity, personal growth, experience, success stories, goal attainment, teams and sportsmanship, contests, friendliness, a lot of fun and an endless array of laughs. Does that sounds like just selling knives to you?

When I think of Vector, I think of opportunity, personal growth, gaining experience, success stories, goal attainment, teams and sportsmanship, contests, friendliness, a lot of fun and an endless array of laughs. Now let’s take a lesson from Vector and “break it down”.
Opportunity: Unlike jobs in fast-food where you punch in and punch out with often little to no opportunity to be promoted in sight; Vector Marketing almost always has the next promotion or next level around the corner! This, amongst many other things, adds so much more purpose to every call we make, every customer we see and every order form we sign!
Personal Growth: Vector forces you to put yourself in an uncomfortable position. That on its alone sounds pretty crappy; but in life, the only way to grow is to get out of your comfort zone! Most of us starting at Vector have never called customers to book work according to our own schedule. In reality, most of us starting have never even made a sale- other then maybe selling a muffin at Tim Horton’s, that the customer would have bought no matter who we were.
Experience Gaining: The skills and experience I will gain with CUTCO will put me ahead of my peers. This statement is obvious because we must quickly learn time management skills, interpersonal skills, more confidence (which in my opinion is a skill), selling skills and leadership skills in the long run!
Teams and Sportsmanship: I personally feel that this is by far the most important part of Vector Marketing Canada. As soon as we are welcomed into our designated office and you see that penny being cut, you know you want in – the great part about it is you are instantly accepted as a team member. You will be taken on, no matter your race, culture, creed, sex or your favorite sports team because Vector does not discriminate. And once we are on the team, even though we are all competing for that scholarship or those awesome prizes and contests, at the end of the day, we are all congratulated on each of our accomplishments and applauded on a weekly basis!
I’d simply like to finish off by emphasizing, Vector does not sell knives. Vector offers opportunity, personal growth, experience, success stories, goal attainment, teams and sportsmanship, contests, friendliness, a lot of fun and an endless array of laughs. Does that sounds like just selling knives to you?