The Best Way to Manage Your Time.

We caught up with Shayla Wey, National Sales Promotion Manager for Vector Marketing Canada and she had this to say about “time management” as we head into our busy summer selling season:
“Time management is one of major keys to success. It’s simple: You either manage your time or else someone will manage it for you. But here at Vector, you have the opportunity to plan a schedule that works for you!
“Whether you’re a student, parent, full-time rep, part-time rep or manager, you can make it work for you – when you want it to work for you.”
Here are some basic time management guidelines that Joe recommends:
1) Plan EVERYTHING- it might sound crazy to schedule in friends, family and that special date night but I guarantee, when you plan ahead you will actually see more of the people you love in your life. And, you’ll look forward to it because you planned it. Plan everything that is important to you; phone time, demos, team meetings, grocery shopping, meal preparation, working out, studying, sleeping, eating, etc. Get in the habit of planning.
It’s easy to get swamped with time-consuming, relatively unimportant tasks like Facebook and social emails. By prioritizing, you can determine what is important at that time of the day. There will be fewer distractions. You’ll spend time more efficiently which results in less wasted time, and just as important you’ll have energy for the truly important tasks of the day.
3) Set Aside the Appropriate Time for Each Task. Once those tasks are identified, you’ll then be able to determine how much time each takes. This may take some getting used to, but I guarantee that within a short time you’ll have an accurate understanding of how to schedule your day – minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. Most important is that you’ll complete more tasks with an understanding of this time management concept.
4) Tackle the Hardest Task First: It’s easy to avoid the tough tasks and opt for the easier ones. Big mistake! Tackle the tough ones first, when you’re fresh, well rested, and excited to start the day. Think of how great you’ll feel by completing the really challenging task early in the day!
5) To Do Lists: UGGH! There was a time we hated “to-do lists.” Too controlling. But look at it this way. Just think about how good you’ll feel by checking them off for tasks throughout your day, week and month.
6) Small Wins: Everyday have a Focus 5. Choose 5 things that must get accomplished for you to win the day. The list is ongoing and changes each day or hour. But when you complete the Focus 5, give yourself a pat on the back or take yourself out to dinner.
7) Fun time!- Remember #1? Well, it’s also important to schedule fun time. That includes vacations, dinner dates with friends, working out, and weekend get-aways. This will keep you motivated because you’ll always be working toward something fun!
By implementing these simple steps you’ll reduce stress and improve your productivity with CUTCO!