There, Back and Beyond...

Vector Marketing Canada found me in the summer of 2005. At the time I was looking for a summer job in order to save money for film school. It turned out to be so much more than that, and has been an incredible and unforgettable experience. My first year with Vector was full of firsts! First time flying in a commercial plane! First time seeing the Rocky Mountains! First time riding in a limo! First time eating lobster! And many, many, more...
What I love about Vector Canada is the team environment, which really motivates people to work hard in order to accomplish their goals as a team!
I moved on to pursue a career in the film industry. Vector Canada afforded me the skill set to be awarded a scholarship through Vancouver Film School. Upon graduating from Vancouver Film School in 2007 I took the skills I learned from both school and Vector and was able to be employed working and living the dream on film sets! However, I didn't just want to be gainfully employed. The Vector Canada platform taught me to dream and pursue bigger things in life! Originally I aspired to become a film producer. Although, I soon realized if I want to become a film producer I not only need to further my skills I also need the skills that would set me apart from the rest.
While taking time away from Vector Canada I kept in touch with many friends I had made, witnessing the wonderful accomplishments and careers they were going on to achieve and pursue within Vector, as well as outside. All as a result of what the Vector Canada opportunity had in store for them!
In the fall of 2011 I returned to Vector Marketing Canada. Since returning, I have gained many achievements and milestones. I am now excited moving forward with opening my very own Vector Office as the District Manager of Victoria B.C.
The skills and relationships built within Vector Canada are those to possess and hold on to for a lifetime! The grass is greener where you water it and I am grateful to have chosen the path of returning to Vector and using this opportunity to further my business skills while undoubtedly knowing that I will continue to grow and become a better version of myself. Personally, I believe Vector is the ultimate stepping stone to help me get to where I want to be as I continue to pursue a career as a creative producer.
Vector Marketing Canada is the place to be for anyone seeking something different to help set them apart!
In my opinion, the biggest and most valuable skill I can take away from Vector is the art of being resourceful.
Having the ability to find clever ways to overcome difficulties.