A Company with a Conscience

Vector Marketing is actually a company with a conscience. If all you did was listen to the news, you’d believe every company was heartless. The truth is that many companies are good corporate citizens – but that doesn’t make a juicy news story, does it?
At Vector, giving back has always been central to our culture both corporately and on the sales level – even before it was the “sexy” thing to do. As a privately held company, the owners have flexibility regarding how and where they invest their charitable dollars. And I’m proud that Vector helps out in the Olean community, as well as in many of the towns where we have local offices.
That value has trickled down to the employees and sales team. There are several instances of sales representatives donating profits and giving tremendous amounts of their time to many worthy causes whether it’s donating goods to soup kitchens or clothing for people returning to the workforce.
It’s very common at conferences to see a canned food drive or a community service project on the agenda. This makes me feel good. From supporting the local hospital in Olean, NY (where we are headquartered), to supporting Make-A-Wish, The Front Row Foundation and academic causes like DECA and PSE (the national co-ed marketing, sales, management and selling fraternity), Vector is committed to helping make the world a better place.
All you have to do is be around here a short time to hear this phrase: “In order to be successful, you must first help others to succeed.” This is a sales company. Let’s face it, in some companies, the sales representatives keep their secrets tight to the chest but at Vector, our tops sales people actually go out of their way to share what they’ve done to succeed so that other reps can replicate it.
I’d have a hard time working in a place that wasn’t in line with my personal ethics. For me, I feel great knowing that those running this company have a heart. The sense of community that this company has built inside and outside our walls is very old school. If you ask me, it’d do us all some good to get back to “old school” a little more often.