Canada’s National Management Conference

I just spent the most incredible 4 days with the best of the best in Vector Canada! From last Thursday to Sunday, we had our current managers & future managers all together to kick off the summer of 2012!
We had incredible special guests like DVM Drew Frank, Trent Booth, Mike Monroe, Jake Koon, Betsy Crouch and Dr. Derek Hassay! It was a star-studded event! Everyone was engaged and excited to hear from some of our key managers and special guests.
Everyone in attendance is excited about having the best summer of their lives as well as changing the lives of those they’ll come in contact with. We are going to help people design the life of their dreams. This summer thousands of new people will have the Vector Opportunity presented to them. Some will accept the challenge and some won’t. Those who do will be better for it.
At our event we had people that just started a few months back but are excited to be assistant managers this summer and impact people’s lives in a positive way. They have no idea what to expect from a Vector summer but they are excited!!!
It was amazing to see someone like Ian Lypps who started in September (only seven months ago) choose the path of being a District Manager- pursing a career with Vector! He gets it! He understands that he can build a thriving business, help people achieve their goals and leave a legacy! That is what the Vector Opportunity is all about.
Whether people stay with Vector for three weeks, three months or three years, the experience will stay with them forever! This is a place like no other. We are Team Canada. We are a family. We take care of each other and we help others to become the best version of themselves.
At our event we celebrated Mike Smith’s 20-year anniversary with Vector and Jim Kalil’s 25-year anniversary with Vector. Those types of anniversaries don’t happen often in the world these days. Vector is a place where people can grow and develop into amazing individuals. It’s a place where people create lasting friendships and moments that they will cherish for a lifetime.
The Vector Summer of 2012 will be different than all the other summers – every summer has it’s own uniqueness to it. That is what makes Vector so exciting. The thrill of changing people’s lives for the better. So get ready for the best summer of your life! The best is yet to come!