Skills For Life.

When I first started with Vector Marketing Canada in January of 2011, I had one goal. To make some spending money to take my then girlfriend out for a few dates. When I first told my girlfriend my plan, she actually told me to find a different job. I lived in a small town, so when I said I was selling knives I got a lot of skeptical looks.
Over the last 2 years the job has changed from a few extra dollars into so much more. I went off to University that September of 2011 and my tuition was paid with my "knife money". In fact, I used knife money to pay for all of my expenses.
I have gained skills that have allowed me to get better grades, be more productive in extra school events and have influence in ways I never thought possible. Though there are many times of where my Vector Marketing Canada skills have helped me, the clear moment for me was just recently at a business selections meeting for a group I volunteer with (think Dragons Den, with no cameras). After the business idea was discussed by everybody a woman came up to me at the end of the meeting. She explained that what I had said had caused her to think about the business in a new light, and because of this she was not going to give them the $400,000 the business had asked for. She also asked me to come take a look at some other projects she was working on.
When I look back now I can see how the job has helped me be better, and I am so glad I didn't listen to the nay sayers. I can see now that the skills I gained are skills for life, and will earn me a whole lot more than money for a few dates.