Sorry Mom, But I’m Pretty Good at Selling Knives.

When I started working for Vector Marketing Canada in March 2011 my mom didn’t think I could “cut” it as a sales person. I assured her that I didn’t need to be great at selling because the product was so amazing that it would sell it’s self, and that this part time job would just hold me over until I graduated with my fashion degree and had an impressive career as a high profile outerwear designer. Turns out I am pretty good at selling knives and little did my mom and I know that this “part time” job would soon become my passion, and my career.
In my 2 years with Vector Marketing Canada I have learnt more about myself and what success truly means than most people learn in a lifetime. While working part time around school I got better grades, was able to have a more fulfilling social life, spent more time with my family than ever before and made sweet cash. My mom’s biggest concern then was that I love it here too much to ever leave. But what she didn’t know yet is that Vector Canada would be come the stepping stone to set me apart and create the life I have always wanted.
Well, I graduated in May with my degree in Fashion Design and Technology and moved on to pursue a career in fashion. I worked at several enjoyable internships, but I couldn’t help but feel that something was missing. I found myself missing the growth I experienced at Vector, I missed the people and most of all I missed the knowledge that only I was in control of my own future.
I returned to Vector Canada in July of 2012 and have been building my business since then. I know that the skills I am gaining at Vector set me apart from others with my degree. I’m becoming the person I want to be and building the life I have always dreamed of because of the influence Vector Marketing Canada has had on me. So I am sorry Mom, but I’m pretty good at selling knives, and the skills I am gaining are changing my life in the best way imaginable!