Where the Magic Happens

There is a lot of magic happening presently all across Vector Marketing Canada. We’re in one of our biggest sales weeks of the entire year right now. Is that because the 2nd week of July is known widely amongst families as the time of year to invest in quality cutlery. No. It is because we have our entire sales organization focused on stretching themselves and going after larger goals than they probably have before. We have great communication and support for our representatives and managers, and it has been so wonderful to see them encourage and cheer each other on through the good days and perhaps more challenging days.
I read something last night that our Division Manager, Angie Macdougall, said to her team in Western Canada, she said, “it’s ok to fail, but it’s not ok to fold”. How powerful is that? So often we’re conditioned to worry about failing. That concern stops many of us from reaching our true potential. It holds us back from doing something that is a little uncomfortable, from trying something new, from giving it all we’ve got, for fear that we won’t have success.
However, the invaluable life lesson that our representatives are learning this week is that they are capable of so much more than they thought possible. Once someone has experienced that magic, it’s hard to go back. You carry that mindset with you throughout your education, your career path, your personal life.
We’ll sell over $½ million of Cutco Cutlery this week and we’ll probably have some sales records smashed when we get together at our regional conferences. However, there will be countless individuals, some who hit their sales goal, and some who did not; who will all feel tremendous pride and accomplishment from staying the course, reaching out past their comfort zone, and starting to realize their full potential.